February 24, 2014
Oh I just love my "Little Dane"!!! 

Well, that's her unofficial title at this point, at least. Sister Hansen is from Copenhagen, Denmark! And right from her opening line, I knew we would get along just fine. (I had approached her in the Visitor Center and asked why she decided to serve a mission. Her response? "To escape the cops." Yep. Love at first companionship.) Oh don't mistake her sweet appearance, she definitely is a feisty one, but we mesh perfectly, and have had some really great times/miracles these last five days! 

Things I am learning: 
1. This work takes all forms. 
2. Variety helps to keep the Spirit around and the devil away. 
3. Laughter makes people teachable <3 

True, there's a balance in all things, but I can see it will be a good transfer, this one. And probably the next as well. :)

Making it short, cause I'm sending some pics.

Love you all!
Hna Graff