Tuesday, March 25, 2014

DC Week 53!- February 10, 2014

DC Week 53!-- February 10, 2014

So I apologize in advance if this email seems a tad mish mashy. If so,
it's because I'm trying to figure out this IPAD. It's official folks.
The Lord is hastening His work. It is happening whether we are ready
or not, so I think we'd all better jump on the bandwagon.

Well I can't believe this transfer's already coming to a close. It
just went by way too fast. Even living out of bags haha. (Our last
bedbug treatment was on Friday, so we can finally "move in" one week
before transfers--YAY.) It's been a great five weeks so far. And
Hermana Pirir and I have done a lot of good work together. We're not
sure what will happen with us, but she's been here for five transfers,
so she will probably be heading out, and I'll be holding down the fort
with another sister. Right now, we have seven missionaries in the ward
(us, another set of sisters, and the elders who are in a trio). We're
lucky to be serving here in this little branch. I really love them.
The people I have come to know in the Spanish program are some of the
most giving people I know. They just never question "what's in it for
them" first. Right now, we are working with them to understand the
significance and more importantly, the simplicity of missionary


A lot of times we (myself included) tend to overthink and complicate
something so  easy. It's really not as hard as we make it. Break
boundaries! Get creative! Have fun with it! Sharing the Gospel should
be natural and real. I strongly feel there is a real reason why anyone
in the world can do this work. Because it is FOR everyone. I myself
have come to believe that there is no one right way to be a
missionary. Now granted, this work is not ours, it is the Lord's. And
so, like Elder Holland has said, "[...] we are not at liberty to take
HIS train off the track." However, I know there is a reason Heavenly
Father expects each one of us to contribute to this great work in one
way or another of our own accord, because He NEEDS variety...the
people need variety. There may be one particular child of God that
can't relate to anyone else in this world, but YOU. And what you can
offer them based on what you've been through. Think of the tragedy if
we denied them the opportunity to accept the restored gospel, simply
by not opening our mouths, or pressing "send" on an email. But then
think of the combinations of greatness that can be made by mixing the
right experiences. And just think of the grand "spiritual matches"
that can be made with so many individuals willing to take half a step
out of their comfort zone and follow the gentle promptings of the
Spirit. They can easily be missed or ignored if we are not looking for
them. I have a firm belief that when we cross paths with certain
people, if all the right factors are in the equation (ex: timing,
spirit, etc...) that our spirit tends to resonate with theirs, and
that what happens next is something very special and real. Those
connections are attainable for everyone who wants them...

Family, ALWAYS be looking for missionary opportunities, and I promise
you as a representative of Christ, that they will come. More, than you
will know what to do with. This is why it is so important that we
prepare ourselves now to be worthy vessels so The Lord can use us.

To close, there is a Spanish hymn which I'd like to share with you.
It's kind of like the Spanish version of God Be with You 'till We Meet
Again. Though it's not in our hymn book, it has quickly become one of
my favorites:

Placentero nos es trabajar
En la viña del gran Rey Jesús,
Y honroso nos es predicar
A Su pueblo, Su ley, y Su luz.

Por Su luz!
Por Su luz!
Placentero nos es trabajar!
Por Su luz!
Por Su luz!
Moriremos en El sin pesar!

This song talks about the pleasure that it is to be a part of this
great work! I always want to be this excited to bring souls unto
Christ! I always want to be a missionary...

Love you family! Until next week!
Sister Graff

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